VortexBox 2.2 updates to stop from the next update

After discussing with VortexBox, we've decided to stop bliss updates into the VortexBox 2.2 repository from the next release of bliss. So the next release of bliss will be the last one that goes into the main VortexBox 2.2 repository.

More modern versions of VortexBox (2.3 and 2.4) will be unaffected.

We've taken this decision as VortexBox 2.2 is, itself, no longer being updated, and there comes a point where the operations cost of uploading new versions into the main VortexBox repositories exceeds the potential for revenue. VortexBox themselves have to maintain an automated updater, and as all software has a cost involved, we've decided to stop the updating.

So, what to do if you are running on VortexBox 2.2 and you want fresh updates? The easiest solution is to upgrade to VortexBox 2.3 or 2.4. Unfortunately this requires a fresh installation of the VortexBox operating system using an image written to a CD or USB key.

If you are using a VortexBox reseller, where the music server is based on VortexBox software but is sold by a different company with additional features, you need to either ask the manufacturers to upgrade to the newer version of VortexBox, or to start integrating bliss updates into their own repository.

We will continue building bliss for VortexBox 2.2, it just won't be uploaded to the main repositories. So, if the manufacturer wants to add bliss into their own repositories, they can grab the latest build from us, and host it themselves.

Your final option is to download, install and update bliss yourself. Note the instructions on the previous link are given for VortexBox 2.3 and later, you need to replace the rpm -U line with:

rpm -U bliss-tagger-20240612-1.fc16.noarch.rpm

Hope this helps.... Sorry this couldn't go on forever...

Thanks to alexliivet for the image above.
tags: music server integrations

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.