This month in digital music libraries - September 2024

Newspaper This month: storing music, critiqueing it, and ‘casting’ it!

This month in digital music libraries - August 2024

Newspaper This month we discuss music storage in the cloud, an actual documentary about music hoarding on an actual mainstream television streaming service, and a couple of new music players.

Release 20240821 - Official Docker image

Docker In this release: faster artwork lookup, and the first release for our official Docker image!

Release 20240806

Engine This release includes some neat UX fixes and some behind the scenes work to support running on early access versions of Java.

This month in digital music libraries - July 2024

Newspaper This July we’ve been reading articles about ice cream trucks, a review of Pitchfork reviews, and using some juicy free online audio tools and listening analysis services!

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.