Release 20191210 - New Inbox beta

Busy! Over the past few months we’ve been working on a new display to show current issues in your music library and to allow all of these fixes to be fixed en masse. This new version includes the ability to enable this view, for existing customers (it’ll be opened to everyone later).

As ever, there are a bunch of other miscellaneous improvements…

New Inbox beta

The New Inbox is intended to replace the existing Inbox and will become bliss’s home page. It shows current available fixes for problems on the left, and a list of recently fixed albums on the right. In addition it also allows for the fixing of all problems via the Fix all button:

The new inbox

If you’re an existing customer you should see an alert in the notification button to enable the Inbox. There’s a feedback form on the page - let us know how you get on!


Some more improvements in this release:

  • Don’t allow genres to be suggested that are not in the permitted set if the incorrect genre and consolidate genre rules are enabled.
  • Avoid a race condition when the UI is updated after compliance updates.
  • Add some extra compliance icons to the compliance notification alerts.
  • If a track has a missing track number but the fix can’t be found, mark the track as non compliant anyway.
  • Handle different results in the change cover art and cover art alternatives page.
  • The <tag field> file path token should now look for fields with the parameter verbatim, falling back to converting to upper case with underscores.
  • The non-compliance notification “bell” should be updated after clear and rescan.
  • The non-compliant filters should be coloured red.
  • When a DISCNUMBER should be removed offer a fix.
  • Avoid cached open file mappings from taking too much memory.

Downloading and installing

You can download from the downloads page.

After you click through, installation instructions are available on the page following download.

Thanks to unsplash-logoLindsay Henwood for the image above.
tags: release

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.