Release 20140702
July 08, 2014 in bliss by Dan Gravell

In this release I've made some improvements to bliss's untagged page.
First, I changed the show tags option to display the tags using the same component as is used for the Tags page. Hopefully this familiarity in look and keyboard navigation will be beneficial. As before, the tags can be edited before being tagged into the music files.
We also now show that same tagging component when no tags were found for an album. This means if bliss doesn't find metadata for a given album or folder it is still shown in the Untagged page with an option to fill the tags in yourself.
Still on the Untagged page, we now make sure albums that are tagged show immediately in the Albums page, and we also support tagging files without an artist name (this caused an error before).
More stuff
There are some smaller fixes and improvements in this release:
- Fixed one more capitalisation rule false positive.
- Some work to improve rule execution concurrency and performance.
- Fixed a bug with album size dependent track number padding.
Downloading and installing
You can download from the downloads page. After you click through, installation instructions are available on the page following download.
The in-app updater can be used by existing users. You can also download the latest installer and install it "over the top", replacing the current installation. Fixes licences, already purchased, will be retained!
Thanks to sax for the image above.