New release - 20101109

This fortnight's release contains a few small improvements and bug fixes. Meanwhile, I've been working on the filling in missing information feature. Hopefully in the next release there should be a new rule to assess where information is missing and look up the data online.

I completed the album name changing feature started last fortnight so that, now, artist names and years of release can also be changed.

Each page now has a more descriptive HTML title. This makes the bliss pages easier to navigate back/forward in your browser and is also more useful when a bookmark or favourite is saved.

There's also now a more complete archive of debug information at http://bliss-ip:3221/debug. This downloads a zip file with the logs and other useful information, should you hit a problem.

Get the new release from the downloads page!

tags: release

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.