Release 20231114


This release contains an important fix for the missing tag and tag accuracy rules.

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In a previous release we fixed an issue relating to how track level fixes are executed. Before, in cases where there were multiple fixes for one track, we’d ignore those tracks because we weren’t sure which fix to execute. We resolved this bug by making bliss choose one of the suggestions, so we could achieve full automation. The suggestions are always pretty accurate and we require quite a high confidence of matching, so we aren’t concerned about doing this.

However, we introduced a bug in the wider platform which wasn’t passing through some data properly to make this decision.

Worse, we were actually swallowing the error and not logging it. This had the effect of making it look like the tag accuracy and missing tag rules were compliant, when actually they weren’t running.

So the fix for this problem has two dimensions:

  1. We now show any error on the album page and mark the compliance as Unknown.
  2. The underlying bug is fixed, so the data is passed to the tag accuracy and missing tag rules and the rules should assess normally.

We’ve also added automated tests to catch this if it occurs again.

This fix is in this new release, so users of the tag accuracy and missing tag rules should definitely install it!

Downloading and installing

You can download by clicking the button above, or from the downloads page.

Photo by Eric Krull on Unsplash

tags: release automation tag accuracy missing tags

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.