New release - 20110922 - play/pause and Wikipedia lookup for genres and years

Platform control buttons

bliss, as a fully automated piece of software, has to tread a fine line between the benefits of full automation and the user interface impediments needed to give a feeling of control. Over the past few months I've been adding features to increase that feeling of control. The latest feature in this new release is a button to pause and restart bliss.

The all-new platform control buttons

There are now three buttons: 'Play', 'pause' and 'rescan'. Play works like bliss used to. File notifications are turned on and any updates to music files get assessed.

Pause turns file notifications off and cancels any ongoing assessments (currently executing assessments finish, so there may be up to five updates after pause is pressed).

Rescan can be used as before, whether the system is in play or paused mode.

Wikipedia search for genre and year

Wikipedia is now used in addition to MusicBrainz for sourcing year and genre information. In fact, in my tests it appears more accurate, so it is now used in preference.

You don't have to configure anything for the Wikipedia search to work - it should just work automatically.

Other, smaller, items include:

Get the new release from the downloads page. Existing fixes will apply!

tags: release

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.