Release 20240227

Completed This week, a bunch of improvements to rule execution, fix-album and fix-all and operation on Synology and QNAP NASes.

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We’ve made some signficant improvements to rule execution in this release…

The artist alias rule and tag accuracy

The artist alias rule now works with the tag accuracy rule, with the former overriding the latter.

What does this mean? The artist alias rule finds cases where different pseudonyms are used by a musical artist and suggests a canonical artist name instead. On the other hand, the tag accuracy rule works at the level of releases, and some releases are by artists that may have adopted a pseudonym for that release. This led to a conflict between the rules.

Now, the rules are pipelined which means the suggested artist name is passed through both rules before a winner is decided. Because the pipeline always has the artist alias as the final rule, it always wins.

We decided to implement it this way because it’s thought the artist alias rule is a stronger, more specific statement about how you want music organised.


A couple of bug fixes here:

  1. Show fixes for problems that only affect a subset of files in an album.
  2. When fixing problems for a subset of files, make sure only the files affected are changed.

Other improvements

We’ve made some other improvements:

  • When watching files, make sure @Recently-Snapshot (QNAP) and #snapshot (Synology) folders are not sent through for processing.
  • Make sure the tag index and file info caches are cleared when clear and rescan is clicked.
  • Support silent upgrades on Synology.
  • On the fix-all page, if a compliance has no fixes don’t update the execution button.

Downloading and installing

You can download by clicking the button above, or from the downloads page.

Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

tags: release tags NAS

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.