Release 20171212

A maintenance release just in time for Christmas!

A few reported issues have been recurring in my inbox over the past month or so, so I thought that despite other time pressures I should release this update with some important fixes, most notably for new Synology NAS device owners.


  • Support new x18 Synology devices (Apollo Lake, Broadwell, Grantley, rtd1296).
  • Avoid nesting genres inside square brackets via the capitalisation rules.
  • Better error reporting when failing to start.
  • Support converting PNGs to JPEGs when the PNG has alpha channels (transparency).
  • On QNAP, ignore @Recycle folders.
  • Update to latest version of OneMusicAPI.

Downloading and installing

You can download from the downloads page. After you click through, installation instructions are available on the page following download.

In app update will only work for release 20170307 and later. That's because of a fix in 20170307 following the changes introduced in 20170209 which I wrote about in my call for beta testers. Users on older versions should download the latest and install manually, and from then on in-app update should work again.

Thanks to unsplash-logoBen White for the image above.
tags: release

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.