Release 20170620 - choose linked releases

This releases rounds off most of the remaining tag correction work. The important feature introduced in this build is a way of choosing the releases used to judge whether a field is correct or not.

We've also implemented some pretty major performance improvements, reducing the amount of I/O (specifically, how many times your music files are read). This should especially benefit use over network attached storage.

Choosing linked releases

One of the common issues reported with tag correction has been where the releases chosen by bliss were wrong. These releases are used to assess your library's information.

This could be for a few reasons; you might have a classic 1970's album and you don't want a 2010's remaster of the album to be included when assessing your own version, for instance. Or maybe it was a simple case of the wrong version of an album being selected.

This new release adds the ability to manually choose which releases are 'linked' to one of your own albums. You can control it using the link/unlink buttons in the Linked Releases panel:

Link or unlink releases

Clicking Link against one of the existing grey-ed out releases will link the release to your library's album, so it is considered for assessment of tag correction and completeness.

Your choices are saved across versions too, so you won't need to do this every time you update!

Other improvements

  • Use HTTPS when calling OneMusicAPI.
  • Truncate button text on track fix buttons.
  • Show track number padding buttons on the track list.
  • Separate tracks by disc number on the track list.
  • Fix layout of the cover art alternatives page.
  • Improve performance through better caching.
  • Remove duplicates in the Linked Releases list.

Downloading and installing

You can download from the downloads page. After you click through, installation instructions are available on the page following download.

In app update will only work for release 20170307 and later. That's because of a fix in 20170307 following the changes introduced in 20170209 which I wrote about in my call for beta testers. Users on older versions should download the latest and install manually, and from then on in-app update should work again.

Thanks to Jeff Sheldon for the image above.
tags: release

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.