Release - 20170220

As expected, last week's big release with some fundamental underlying changes did introduce a few issues. This release fixes all those found so far.

As well as bug fixes there are a few other improvements - I've begun separating different types of activity log, and adding more system-level problems to the log to make it more obvious when/if something has gone wrong. For example, problems with registering for file notifications.

Bug fixes

Here's what I've been fixing...

  • When rescanning, run the resetting of compliance in parallel.
  • When rescanning, make sure albums aren't rescanned twice.
  • When rescanning for new and changed files, don't cancel existing ongoing assessments.
  • Re-arrange cover art alternatives page to use space better.
  • Don't return duplicates in the cover art alternatives nor change art screens.
  • Positive feedback and wider expires fields for Stripe payment form.
  • When albums are over 99 tracks, don't fingerprint them.
  • Set bliss.launcher in Linux version so we restart correctly after update.
  • Fix the use of the pre-packaged genre tree.
  • The popover next to the rescan box shouldn't pop up half off-screen.
  • Fix ClassNotFoundException when storing or reading the bliss database.
  • Some other fixes around data storage.

Downloading and installing

You can download from the downloads page. After you click through, installation instructions are available on the page following download.

In app update will only work for release 20170209 and later. That's because of the changes introduced 20170209 and which I wrote about in my call for beta testers. Users on older versions should download the latest and install manually, and from then on in-app update should work again.

Thanks to joerimages for the image above.
tags: release

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.