Sometimes all the FAQs in the world don't help - you've hit a problem and you need someone to help!

Free email support is available to all users of bliss. All we ask is you follow the following three steps before reporting your problem:

  1. Describe the problem in as much detail as you can
  2. In your email please describe in detail what you were doing when the problem occurred, exactly what the behaviour is, and what state bliss is left in now.

    Good example: "I wanted to change the cover art for "Thriller" by Michael Jackson so I clicked on the change art link in the album overview page. The change art screen displays the following error: [...]"

    Bad example: "Change art doesn't work"

  3. Get the debug archive
  4. bliss provides its own debug archive, which is a ZIP file containing logs, settings and lots of other contextual information. All of this information makes it easier to diagnose problems.

    If bliss is running on the same computer you are reading this page right now, the debug archive can be retrieved by by simply clicking http://localhost:3221/debug

    Help link

    Otherwise, or if that gives you a nasty error message, click on the Help link at the bottom of the bliss user interface and click the Download debug archive button therein.

    If you can't run bliss, then the next best thing is to gather the logs. bliss.log is a file in which bliss stores its activity. It can be useful to review to find causes of problems.

    bliss.log can be found in the following locations:

    Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\.bliss\logs
    Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 C:\Users\[username]\.bliss\logs
    Mac OS X (see below) /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/bliss/logs
    Linux $HOME/.bliss/logs/
    VortexBox /root/.bliss/logs/
    Synology /var/packages/bliss/target/var/.bliss/logs
    QNAP `getcfg SHARE_DEF defVolMP -f /etc/config/`/.qpkg/bliss/.bliss/logs

    On Mac OS X, /tmp/ is not normally exposed in the Finder. To find it, open the "Go" menu from the Finder's menu, choose "Go to folder" and type '/tmp'.

    Attach the archive or logs to the email you send, or if it is too large say so and I'll send you an invite to the bliss Dropbox folders so you can upload the information.

  5. Send your email to [email protected]
  6. And sit back and dream of what might be. Or just grab a beer. Either way, I'll get back to you.